|Fantasy Scene-Members League by Freak of NFA and Aladdin Sane/iNDi RIGHT! You've had bloody poxy Fantasy Football and Fantasy Cricket, Babes, Soap Stars and God knows what else, so here's the start of the ultimate Fantasy League - The Fantasy Scene Members League! To participate in this little compo (send three pints of your own blood, or five pints of somebody else's - AS) each "manager" should select five people from the following groups, and send their teams in to us at The Word. Week by week we'll review what they've done and total up your points to see who's won. The groups you can select your Fantasy Scene Members from are: Carnage Data Division EclipX Eltech Gaspipe L.O.C L.S.D N.F.A Neř Quantum Inc Or you can select any two iNDi's for the price of one (that was MY idea - AS) Scene Member, but you are not allowed more than FOUR iNDi's in your team, sound good? Here's how you score points... ================================================= Activity Score ================================================= Releases Completely New Production + 100 Releases Commercial Production + 500 Releases New Part in Series + 70 Completes Production ON TIME! + 100 Production gets Good Review in Mag + 50 Production gets Poor Review in Mag - 30 Player is busted by F.A.S.T -1000 Is responsible for the downfall of Western Civilisation (Tricky! - AS) +9999 Releases Bugged Production - 30 Fails to Rectify bug in next Issue - 60 Has a girlfriend (BASTARD! - AS) + 50 Is married + 40 Is a Babe + 150 Appears on TV/Radio/Magic Lantern + 400 Is photographed with Elvis, Lord Lucan +5000 AND Shergar, in Atlantis Remembers your Birthday + 50 Fails to return correct number of disks - 5 Forgets to Write - 20 Buys an Original Title + 100 Buys a full Shareware Title + 80 Dates Aladdin Sane +9999 Dates Aladdin Sane WILLINGLY! WINS BUT must be a babe! - see elsewhere Is better looking than Freak/NFA + 0 Buys PD from Telescan Software - 100 Buys PD from an NFA-approved house + 100 Sends Coverdisks as wares - 50 Is abducted by Aliens +2000 Is brought back by Aliens for being too Fucking ugly -2000 ================================================= |The Rules... 1. Only one person in any team from any group. 2. Teams must be sent to The Word before July 1st 1995. 3. Points must be claimed by the Team Managers. 4. Point Claims will be scrutinised by the Organisers. 5. Each Point Claim sheet should be accompanied by *TWO* articles for a future issue of The Word. 6. The Organisers decision is final, so no arguing. 7. Managers can claim "percentages" of scores for their players, for example: If the player is not quite a babe, the manager can still claim points, at the discretion of the judges. 8. Only one prize is available, we don't know what it is yet, but we'll let you know eventually. |How to Claim your Points... Send us a list (on paper or disk) of all the points that you want to claim for your players, *AND* all the minus points that you want to see marked against other nominees that may appear on other teams (The accepted teams will appear in TW). For example, if you know that another entrant has a certain member on his team, and that person releases a bugged title, tell us so that we can knock points off his/her total and so increase your chances of winning. Remember, it's up to you to Claim points for your team and to hack away at the points for everyone else. Compo will run (forever - at least it'll seem like that) until the start of December, to give the lucky (?) winner a nice prezzie for Crimble.